Houdini 中文帮助文档
houdini 更新
- Terrain FX
- Create tab - 创建
- Terrain:Hills
- Modify tab - 修改
- Terrain:Mountain
- Terrain:Valley
- Terrain:Moonscape
- Terrain:Islands
- Terrain:Canyon
- 不同海洋工具之间的差异
- Terrain:Dunes
- 工具架
- Small Ocean
- Large Ocean
- Guided Ocean Layer
- 材质概述
- 着色基础知识
- 管理材质
- 使用VOP工作
- 编译材质网络
- 纹理贴图
- 转换图像文件
- OpenGL材质
- 属性
- 属性覆盖
- 给高级用户的建议
- 在VEX和RSL之间转换
- Ptex
- Fur Density Map
- Generic Displacement
- Generic Fog
- Generic Interior
- Generic Light
- Generic Output
- Generic Shadow
- Generic Surface
- Material
- Merge Co-Shader
- mentalray mi_car_paint_phen
- mentalray mi_dgs_material
- mentalray mi_dgs_material_photon
- mentalray mi_dielectric_material
- mentalray mi_dielectric_material_photon
- mentalray mi_metallic_paint
- mentalray mi_parti_volume
- mentalray mi_parti_volume_photon
- mentalray mi_path_material
- mentalray mib_amb_occlusion
- mentalray mib_blackbody
- mentalray mib_cie_d
- mentalray mib_fg_occlusion
- mentalray mib_geo_cone
- mentalray mib_geo_cube
- mentalray mib_geo_cylinder
- mentalray mib_geo_sphere
- mentalray mib_geo_square
- mentalray mib_geo_torus
- mentalray mib_glossy_reflection
- mentalray mib_glossy_refraction
- mentalray mib_illum_blinn
- mentalray mib_illum_hair
- mentalray mib_illum_lambert
- mentalray mib_illum_phong
- mentalray mib_illum_ward
- mentalray mib_lens_clamp
- mentalray mib_lens_stencil
- mentalray mib_light_infinite
- mentalray mib_light_photometric
- mentalray mib_light_point
- mentalray mib_light_spot
- mentalray mib_twosided
- mentalray mib_volume
- mentalray misss_fast_shader
- mentalray misss_physical
- mentalray misss_physical_photon
- mentalray misss_skin_specular
- GLSL Normal Map
- GLSL Tangent Space Normal Map
- Properties
- Pyro 2
- RSL ri_bumpy
- RSL ri_carpet
- RSL ri_cloth
- RSL ri_cmarble
- RSL ri_constant
- RSL ri_delayedreadarchive
- RSL ri_depthcue
- RSL ri_diaknurl
- RSL ri_distantlight
- RSL ri_dynamicload
- RSL ri_fog
- RSL ri_glass
- RSL ri_glassbal
- RSL ri_lightlight
- RSL ri_matte
- RSL ri_metal
- RSL ri_paintplastic
- RSL ri_plastic
- RSL ri_pointnofallofflight
- RSL ri_rmarble
- RSL ri_rsmetal
- RSL ri_runprogram
- RSL ri_shadowdistantlight
- RSL ri_shadowpointlight
- RSL ri_shadowspotlight
- RSL ri_shinymetal
- RSL ri_sinknurl
- RSL ri_spatter
- RSL ri_spotlight
- RSL ri_stippled
- RSL ri_stone
- RSL ri_threads
- VOP RSL Imager
- VOP RSL Light
- Material shader builder
- Shader class builder
- Struct builder
- VOP RSL Surface
- VOP RSL Volume
- Select
- Subnetwork
- Output Shaders
- Switch
- VEX Brushed Aluminum
- VEX Ambient
- ASAD Lens
- VEX ASAD Light
- VEX Attenuated Light
- VEX Attenuated Spotlight
- VEX Blur Shadow
- VEX Burlap
- VEX Cartoon
- VEX Choppy Water
- VEX Clay
- VEX Collada Shader
- VEX Constant
- VEX Corrugated
- VEX Decal
- VEX Fractal Dent
- VEX Distant Light
- VEX Displace Map
- VEX Z-Map Fog
- VEX FBX Shader
- VEX Fluffy Cloud
- VEX 3D Texture Cloud
- VEX Global Illumination
- VEX Gingham Checks
- VEX Glass
- VEX Hair
- VEX Krinkle
- VEX Lit Fog
- VEX Meta Cloud
- VEX Metal
- VEX OpenGL Material
- VEX Path Tracer
- VEX Photon Tracer
- VEX Plastic
- VEX Point Light
- VEX Polka Dots
- VEX Shadow
- VEX Riverbed
- VEX Shadow Matte
- VEX Soft Toon
- VEX Super Material
- VEX 3D Texture Fog
- VEX Uniform Fog
- VEX Volume Cloud
- VEX Volume Fire
- VEX Window
- VEX Z-Depth Fog
- Alembic Geometry SHOP
- Mantra: Delayed Load
- Mantra: Fur Procedural
- Mantra: HScript Procedural
- Mantra Image3D Procedural
- Mantra: Image3D Volume Procedural
- Mantra: Program Procedural
- Point Instance Procedural
- Point Replicate
- Mantra: Sprite Procedural
- Mantra: VEX Volume Procedural
- VOP VEX Displacement
- VOP VEX Image3D
- VOP VEX Light
- VOP VEX Photon
- VOP VEX Shadow
- VOP VEX Surface
- Principled Shader
- Acoustic
- Area
- Attribute
- Audio In
- Band EQ
- Beat
- Blend
- BlendPose
- Channel
- Composite
- Constant
- Copy
- Count
- Cycle
- Delay
- Dynamics
- Envelope
- Export
- Expression
- Extend
- Fan
- Feedback
- Fetch
- File
- Filter
- For
- Foreach
- Function
- Geometry
- Gesture
- Handle
- Hold
- IKSolver
- Image
- Interpolate
- InverseKin
- Jiggle
- Keyboard
- Lag
- Limit
- Logic
- Lookup
- Math
- Merge
- MIDI Out
- Mouse
- Network
- Noise
- Null
- Object
- ObjectChain
- Oscillator
- Parametric EQ
- Particle
- Pass Filter
- Phoneme
- Pipe In
- Pipe Out
- Pitch
- Pretransform
- Pulse
- Puppet
- Rename
- Reorder
- Resample
- Sequence
- Shift
- Shuffle
- Slope
- Spatial Audio
- Spectrum
- Spline
- Spring
- Stretch
- Subnetwork
- Switch
- Transform
- TransformChain
- Trigger
- Trim
- Vector
- Voice Split
- Voice Sync
- Warp
- Wave
- VEX Waveform
- 粒子系统
- 基础知识
- 简单的粒子系统
- 发射粒子
- 在网络中的粒子数据流
- 给粒子运用力
- 和曲面交互
- 限制粒子的速度
- 吸引或排斥粒子
- 跟随引导对象
- 围绕一个中心点旋转
- 可视化力
- 替换和渲染
- 将粒子导出为模型
- 事件反应
- 使用组来组织粒子的行为
- 检查属性
- 纠错
- 手动设置属性
- 使用几何体
- 粒子的建议和技巧
- 向量 VS 元素定义
- Acceleration节点
- Advect by Volumes节点
- Age节点
- Attractor节点
- Attribute节点
- Attribute Transfer节点
- Collect节点
- Collision节点
- Color节点
- Creep节点
- Curl Noise节点
- Drag 节点
- Event 节点
- Fan 节点
- Fetch节点
- Fireworks节点
- Follow节点
- Force节点
- Group节点
- Hit Info节点
- Instance节点
- Interact节点
- Kill节点
- Limit节点
- Lineage节点
- Location节点
- Lookat节点
- Null节点
- Orbit节点
- Position节点
- Property节点
- Proximity
- Render
- Resistance
- Rotation
- Soft Body
- Soft Limit
- Source
- Speed Limit
- SPH Density Test
- Split
- VEX Sprinkler
- Sprite
- State
- Stream
- Subnetwork
- Suppress Rule
- Switch
- Torque
- Translation
- Turn
- Up Vector
- Velocity
- Velocity Stream
- Wind
- 渲染部分
- 渲染基础
- 区域渲染工具
- 理解Mantra的渲染
- 基于物理的渲染
- 灯光
- 设置相机
- 阴影
- 文件名中的表达式
- 创建一个Flipbook
- 渲染工作流程的建议
- 理解Mantra的光线跟踪
- 渲染质量和速度
- 渲染体积
- Environment and reflection maps
- 工作流程中的渲染
- 深度相机贴图
- 渲染数量很多的多边形
- 渲染额外的颜色通道
- Alembic
- Alfred
- Archive Generator
- Batch
- Channel
- Composite
- Dynamics
- DSM Merge
- Fetch
- Filmbox FBX
- Frame Container
- Frame Depedency
- Geo to I3D
- Geometry
- HQueue Render
- HQueue Simulation
- Mantra
- Mantra Archive
- 3D Texture Generator
- MDD Point Cache
- mental ray
- Merge
- Net Barrier
- Null
- OpenGL
- Pre Post
- RenderMan
- RenderMan Archive
- Shell
- Subnetwork
- Switch
- Wedge
- Wren
- Houdini16.5 概述
- Alembic Archive节点
- Alembic xform节点
- Ambient Light节点
- Animation Rig Biped Arm节点
- Animation Rig Biped Head节点
- Animation Rig Biped Hand节点
- Animation Rig Biped Leg节点
- Animation Rig Biped Spine节点
- Animation Rig Character Placer节点
- Animation Rig Quadruped Back Leg节点
- Animation Rig Quadruped Front Leg节点
- Animation Rig Quadruped Head and Neck
- Animation Rig Quadruped IK Spine
- Animation Rig Quadruped Tail
- Animation Rig Quadruped Toes
- Atmosphere
- Biped Animation Rig
- Biped Deform Rig
- Blend Sticky
- Blend
- Bone
- Camera—摄像机
- Common object parameters
- Debris
- Dop Network
- Environment Light
- Extract Transform
- Fetch
- Fur
- Geometry
- Handle
- Indirect Light
- Instance
- Light template
- Light
- Microphone
- Muscle
- Null
- Path
- PathCV
- Quadruped Animation Rig
- Quadruped Deform Rig
- Rivet
- Sound
- Stereo Camera Rig
- Stereo Camera Template
- Sticky
- Subnet
- Switcher
- three Point Light
- Whitecaps
- Add
- Alembic Group
- Alembic Primitive
- Alembic
- Align
- Assemble
- Attrib Fade
- Attrib From Map
- Attrib Wrangle
- AttribCast
- AttribComposite
- AttribCopy
- AttribCreate
- AttribFromVolume
- AttribMirror
- AttribPromote
- AttribReorient
- AttribStringEdit
- AttribTransfer
- Attribute
- AttribVOP
- Bake ODE
- Bake Volume
- Basis
- Blast
- Blend Shapes
- Bone Link
- Bound
- Box
- Break
- Bridge
- Bulge
- Cache
- Cap
- Capture
- Capture Correct
- Capture Layer Paint
- Capture Metaball
- Capture Mirror
- Capture Override
- Capture Proximity
- Carve
- Channel
- Circle
- Clay
- Clean
- Clip
- Cloth Capture
- Cloth Deform
- Cloud
- Cloud Light
- Cloud Noise
- Cluster
- Cluster Points
- Color
- Comb
- Connect Adjacent Pieces
- Connectivity
- Control
- Convert
- Convert Meta
- Convert VDB
- Convert Volume
- Cookie
- Copy
- Crease
- Creep
- Capture Region
- Curve
- Curveclay
- Curvesect
- Debris Source
- Deform
- Deform Metaball
- Deform Muscle
- Delete
- Dissolve
- Divide
- Dop Import
- Dop Import Fields
- DOP Import Records
- Dop I/O
- Draw Curve
- Draw Hair
- Duplicate
- Each
- EdgeCollapse
- EdgeCusp
- EdgeDivide
- EdgeFlip
- Edit
- Ends
- Enumerate
- Exploded View
- Extrude
- Extrude Volume
- Facet
- Filament Advect
- File
- File Cache
- File Merge
- Fillet
- Finalize Waves
- Find Shortest Path
- Fit
- Fluid Source
- Font
- Force
- ForEach
- Fractal
- Fur
- Fuse
- Glue Cluster
- Glue Pieces
- Grid
- Group
- Group Copy
- Group Paint
- Group Transfer
- Hole
- Inflate
- Instance
- IsoSurface
- IsoOffset
- Join
- Knife
- Lattice
- Layer
- Line
- Load Slices
- L-System
- Magnet
- Match Axis
- Match Size
- Match Topology
- Material
- Measure
- Merge
- Metaball
- MetaGroups
- Mirror
- Mountain
- Muscle
- Name
- Null
- Object Merge
- Ocean Evaluate
- Ocean Source
- Ocean Spectrum
- Pack
- Packed Edit
- Paint
- Paint Color Volume
- Paint Fog Volume
- Paint SDF Volume
- Particle
- Particle Fluid Surface
- Particle Fluid Tank
- Partition
- Point Cloud Iso
- Point Generate
- Paste
- Peak
- Platonic Solids
- Point
- Point Jitter
- Point Map
- Point Replicate
- Points From Volume
- Point Wrangle
- PolyBevel
- PolyCap
- PolyCut
- PolyExtrude
- PolyFrame
- PolyKnit
- PolyLoft
- PolyPatch
- PolyReduce
- PolySoup
- PolySpline
- PolySplit
- PolyStitch
- PolyWire
- POP Merge
- POP Network
- Primitive Split
- Profile
- Project
- Python
- Rails
- Ray
- Refine
- Remesh
- Resample
- Rest Position
- Reverse
- Revolve
- Ripple
- RMan Shader
- Alembic ROP output driver
- Geometry ROP output driver
- Round
- Sequence Blend
- Scatter
- Script
- Sculpt
- Shader
- Shrinkwrap
- Skin
- Slide Modifier Paint
- Smooth
- Soft Peak
- Soft Transform
- Solver
- Sort
- Sphere
- Spring
- SSS Scatter
- Standard Variables
- Starburst
- Stitch
- Stroke
- Subnetwork
- Super Quad
- Surfsect
- Sweep
- Switch
- Table Import
- Tetrahedralize
- Tetra Surface
- UV Texture
- TimeBlend
- TimeShift
- TimeWarp
- Torus
- Trace
- Trail
- Triangulate 2D
- Tri Bezier
- TriDivide
- Trim
- TriStrip
- Tube
- Twist
- Unix
- Unpack
- Unpaste
- UV Brush
- UV Edit
- UV Fuse
- UV Pelt
- UV Project
- UV Quick Shade
- UV Transform
- UV Unwrap
- VDB Activate
- VDB Advect Points
- VDB Advect SDF
- VDB Analysis
- VDB Combine
- VDB Fracture
- VDB From Particle Fluid
- VDB From Particles
- VDB From Polygons
- VDB Renormalize SDF
- VDB Resample
- VDB Reshape SDF
- VDB Smooth
- VDB Smooth SDF
- VDB To Spheres
- VDB Vector Merge
- VDB Vector Split
- VDB Visualize Tree
- Vertex
- VertexSplit
- Visibility
- Volume
- Volume Analysis
- Volume Arrival Time
- Volume Blur
- Volume Bound
- Volume Break
- Volume Compress
- Volume Convolve 3×3×3
- Volume Feather
- Volume FFT
- Volume From Attrib
- Volume Merge
- Volume Mix
- Volume Ramp
- Volume Rasterize
- Volume Rasterize Curve
- Volume Rasterize Particles
- Volume Rasterize Points
- Volume Reduce
- Volume Resample
- Volume Resize
- Volume SDF
- Volume Slice
- Volume Splice
- Volume Surface
- Volume Trail
- Volume Velocity
- Volume Visualization
- Volume VOP
- Volume Wrangle
- Voronoi Fracture
- Voronoi Fracture Points
- Voronoi Split
- Vortex Force Attributes
- Waveform
- Whitewater Source
- Wireframe
- Wire Blend
- Wire Capture
- Wire Deform
- Wire Transfer Shape
- Transform
- Transform Axis
- Transform Pieces
- Angular Velocity节点
- 合成概述
- 添加噪波
- 调节颜色 色阶 黑点 白点
- 混合或层叠图像
- 模糊或锐化图像
- 常规图像特效
- 合成内容和概念
- 合成建议和技巧
- 使用VOPs创建一个自定义的COP
- 创建形状和文本
- 深度栅格效果
- 扭曲和溶解图像
- 生成填充
- 基于图像颜色创建遮罩
- 图像向导文件
- 增强合成性能
- 加载图像数据到合成中
- 对图像某一区域遮罩处理
- 使用LUT修改颜色的输出
- 位置,重设大小,旋转,裁剪图像层
- 保存合成的数据到磁盘上
- 在其它节点中使用合成图像
- 查看/预览一个节点的输出
- 使用蒙版工作
- 工作于多个图像上
- 使用颜色面工作
- Add
- Anaglyph
- Atop
- Average
- Blend
- Blur
- Border
- Bright
- Bump
- Channel Copy
- Chromakey
- Color Correct
- Color Curve
- Color Map
- Color Replace
- Color Wheel
- Color
- Composite
- Contrast
- Convert
- Convolve
- COP generators
- Corner Pin
- Corner Ramp
- Crop
- Defocus
- Deform
- Degrain
- Deinterlace
- Delete
- Denoise
- Depth Darken
- Depth of Field
- Diff
- Dilate/Erode
- DSM Flatten
- Edge Blur
- Edge Detect
- Emboss
- Environment
- Equalize
- Expand
- Extend
- Fetch
- Extend
- Field Merge
- Field Split
- Field Swap
- File
- Flip
- Fog
- Font
- Front Face
- Function
- Gamma
- Geokey
- Geometry
- Gradient
- Grain
- Hue Curve
- Illegal Pixel
- Inside
- Interleave
- Invert
- Layer
- Levels
- Lighting
- Limit
- Lookup
- Luma Matte
- Lumakey
- Mask
- Max
- Median
- Merge
- Min
- Mono
- Mosaic
- Multiply
- Noise
- Null
- Outside
- Over
- Pixel
- Premultiply
- Pulldown
- Pushup
- Quantize
- Radial Blur
- Ramp
- Reference
- Rename
- Render
- Reverse
- ROP File Output
- Rotoshape
- Scale
- Screen
- Sequence
- Shape
- Sharpen
- Shift
- Shuffle
- Sky Environment Map
- Snip
- Streak Blur
- Subnetwork
- Subtract
- Switch Alpha
- Switch
- Tile
- Time Filter
- Time Machine
- Time Scale
- Time Warp
- Transform
- Trim
- Under
- Unpin
- UV Map
- Vector
- Velocity Blur
- VEX Filter
- VEX Generator
- VOP COP2 Filter
- VOP COP2 Generator
- Window
- Wipe
- Xor
- Z Comp
- Active Value节点
- Affector节点
- Anchor: Align Axis节点
- Anchor: Object Point Group Position节点
- Anchor: Object Point Group Rotation节点
- Anchor: Object Point Id Position节点
- Anchor: Object Point Id Rotation节点
- Anchor: Object Point Number Position节点
- Anchor: Object Point Number Rotation节点
- The Anchor: Object Primitive Position节点
- Anchor: Object Space Position节点
- Anchor: Object Space Rotation节点
- Anchor: Object Surface Position节点
- Anchor: World Space Position节点
- Anchor: World Space Rotation节点
- Apply Data节点
- Apply Relationship节点
- Blend Factor节点
- Blend Solver节点
- Bullet Data节点
- Bullet Solver节点
- Buoyancy Force节点
- Cloth Attach Constraint节点
- Cloth Configure Object节点
- Cloth Mass Properties - 布料密度属性
- Cloth Material Behavior - 布料材质行为
- Cloth Material - 布料材质
- Cloth Object – 布料物体
- Cloth Plasticity Properties – 布料可塑性属性
- Cloth Solver – 布料解算器
- Cloth Stitch Constraint – 布料缝合约束
- Cloth Target Properties – 布料目标属性
- Cloth Tearing Properties – 布料撕裂属性
- Cloth Visualization – 布料可视化
- Cloth/Volume Collider – 布料/体积碰撞
- Collide Relationship – 碰撞关系
- Collider Label – 碰撞标签
- Cone Twist Constraint Relationship – 锥形扭转约束关系
- Constraint Network Relationship – 约束网络关系
- Constraint Network – 约束网络
- Constraint Relationship – 约束关系
- Constraint – 约束
- Container – 容器
- Copy Data Solver – 拷贝数据解算器
- Copy Data – 拷贝数据
- Copy Objects Information – 拷贝物体信息
- Copy Objects – 拷贝物体
- Delete – 删除节点
- Drag Force – 阻力
- Drag Properties – 阻力属性
- Dynamics nodes – 动力学节点
- Empty Data
- Empty Object
- Empty Relationship
- Empty Solver
- Fan Force
- Fetch Data
- Field Force
- File Data
- File – 文件
- Finite Element Solver
- FLIP Configure Object
- FLIP fluid object
- FLIP Solver
- Fluid Configure Object
- Fluid Force
- Fluid Object
- Fluid Solver
- Gas Adjust Coordinate System
- Gas Adjust Elasticity
- Gas Advect CL
- Gas Advect Field
- Gas Advect
- Gas Analysis
- Gas Blend Density
- Gas Blur
- Gas Build Collision Mask
- Gas Build Relationship Mask
- Gas Buoyancy
- Gas Burn Geometry Object
- Gas Burn Geometry
- Gas Calculate
- Gas Collision Detect
- Gas Combustion
- Gas Compute Particle Attributes
- Gas Correct By Markers
- Gas Cross
- Gas Damp
- Gas Diffuse
- Gas Dissipate
- Gas Disturb Field CL
- Gas Disturbance
- Gas DSD Configure Object
- Gas DSD Solver
- Gas DSD
- Gas Each Data Solver
- Gas Elasticity
- Gas Embed Fluid
- Gas Enforce Boundary
- Gas Equalize Density
- Gas Equalize Volume
- Gas External Forces
- Gas Extrapolate
- Gas Feather Field
- Gas Feedback
- Gas Fetch Fields to Embed
- Gas Field to Particle
- Gas Field VOP
- Gas Field Wrangle
- Gas Geometry To SDF
- Gas Impact To Attributes
- Gas Integrator
- Gas Intermittent Solve
- Gas Limit Particles
- Gas Limit
- Gas Linear Combination
- Gas Local Sharpen
- Gas Lookup
- Gas Match Field
- Gas Mist Solver
- Gas Net Fetch Data
- Gas Net Field Border Exchange
- Gas Net Slice Balance
- Gas Net Slice Exchange
- Gas OpenCL
- Gas Particle Count
- Gas Particle Forces
- Gas Particle Move To Iso
- Gas Particle Neighbour Update
- Gas Particle Pressure
- Gas Particle Separate
- Gas Particle To Field
- Gas Particle To SDF
- Gas Project Non Divergent Multigrid
- Gas Project Non Divergent Variational
- Gas Project Non Divergent
- Gas Reduce Local
- Gas Reduce
- Gas Reinitialize SDF
- Gas Repeat Solver
- Gas Resize Field
- Gas Resize Fluid Dynamic
- Gas Resize Fluid
- Gas Rest
- Gas Sand Forces
- Gas SDF To Fog
- Gas Seed Markers
- Gas Seed Particles
- Gas Shred
- Gas SPH Density
- Gas SPH Forces
- Gas Stick on Collision
- Gas Strain Forces
- Gas Strain Integrate
- Gas SubStep
- Gas Surface Snap
- Gas Surface Tension
- Gas Target Force
- Gas Turbulence
- Gas Up Res
- Gas Upres Object
- Gas Velocity Stretch
- Gas Viscosity
- Gas Volume Ramp
- Gas Vortex Boost
- Gas Vortex Confinement
- Gas Vortex Equalizer
- Gas Vorticle Forces
- Gas Vorticle Geometry
- Gas Vorticle Recycle
- Gas Wavelets
- Gas Wind
- Geometry Copy
- Geometry VOP
- Geometry Wrangle
- Glue Constraint Relationship
- Glue Network Constraint
- Glue Network Relationship
- Gravity Force
- Ground Plane
- Group Relationship
- Group
- Hard Constraint Relationship
- Impact Analysis
- Impulse Force
- Index Field Visualization
- Index Field
- Instanced Object
- Intangible Value
- Link to Source Object
- Magnet Force
- Mask Field
- Matrix Field Visualization
- Matrix Field
- Merge
- Modify Data
- Motion
- Multi Field Visualization
- Multiple Solver
- Net Fetch Data
- No Collider
- No Constraint Relationship
- Noise Field
- Null
- OBJ Position
- ODE Configure Object
- ODE Solver
- Particle Fluid Configure Object
- Particle Fluid Emitter
- Particle Fluid Object
- Particle Fluid Sink
- Particle Fluid Solver
- Particle Fluid Visualization
- Partition
- Physical Parameters
- Point Collider
- Point Force
- POP Advect by Volumes
- POP Attract
- POP Attrib From Volume
- POP Axis Force
- POP Collision Behavior
- POP Collision Detect
- POP Color
- POP Curve Force
- POP Drag Spin
- POP Drag
- POP Fan Cone
- POP Fireworks
- POP Flock
- POP Force
- POP Group
- POP Instance
- POP Interact
- POP Kill
- POP Limit
- POP Local Force
- POP Location
- POP Lookat
- POP Metball Force
- POP Object
- POP Property
- POP Proximity
- POP Replicate
- POP Shape Match
- POP Soft Limit
- POP Solver
- POP Source
- POP Speed Limit
- POP Sprite
- POP Stream
- POP Torque
- POP Wind
- POP Wrangle
- Position From Point
- Position
- Pump Relationship
- Pyro Solver
- RBD Angular Constraint
- RBD Angular Spring Constraint
- RBD Auto Freeze
- RBD Configure Object
- RBD Fractured Object
- RBD Glue Object
- RBD Hinge Constraint
- RBD Keyframe Active
- RBD Object
- RBD Packed Object
- RBD Pin Constraint
- RBD Point Object
- RBD Solver
- RBD Spring Constraint
- RBD State
- RBD Visualization
- Reference Frame Force
- Rendering Parameters Volatile
- Rendering Parameters
- Rigid Body Solver
- Ripple Configure Object
- Ripple Object
- Ripple Solver
- ROP Output Driver
- Sand Configure Object
- Sand Object
- Sand Solver
- Scalar Field Visualization
- Scalar Field
- Script Solver
- SDF Representation
- Seam Properties
- Shell Mass Properties
- Sink Relationship
- Slice Along Line
- Slider Constraint Relationship
- Slice by Plane
- Slider Constraint Relationship
- Slider Constraint
- Smoke Configure Object
- Smoke Object
- Smoke Solver
- Soft Attach Constraint Relationship
- Soft Body (SBD) Pin Constraint
- Soft Body (SBD) Spring Constraint
- Soft Body Collision Properties
- Soft Body Fracture Properties
- Soft Body Fracture Properties
- Soft Body Material Properties
- Soft Body Rest Properties
- Soft Body Solver
- Soft Body Target Properties
- Soft Body (SBD) Constraint
- Solid Object
- Solid Visualization
- SOP Geometry
- SOP Guide
- SOP Scalar Field
- SOP Solver
- SOP Vector Field
- Source Apply
- Source Relationship
- Source Volume
- Sphere Edge Tree
- Sphere Point Tree
- Split Object
- Spring Constraint Relationship
- Spring Network Constraint
- Spring Network Relationship
- Squishy Object
- Static Object
- Static Solver
- Static Visualization
- Subnetwork
- Surface Collision Parameters
- Switch Solver
- Switch Value
- Switch
- Target Constraint
- Target Relationship
- Terrain Object
- Thin Plate/Thin Plate Collider
- Two State Constraint Relationship
- Uniform Force
- Vector Field Visualization
- Vector Field
- Velocity Impulse Force
- Volume Volume Collider
- VOP Force
- Voronoi Fracture Configure Object
- Voronoi Fracture Parameters
- Voronoi Fracture Solver
- Vortex Force
- Whitewater Emitter
- Whitewater Object
- Whitewater Solver
- Wind Force
- Wire Angular Constraint
- Wire Angular Spring Constraint
- Wire Configure Object
- Wire Elasticity
- Wire Glue Constraint
- Wire Object
- Wire Physical Parameters
- Wire Plasticity
- Wire Solver
- Wire Visualization
- Wire/Volume Collider
- Wire/Wire Collider
- abs - 绝对值
- acos - 反余弦函数
- Anti-Aliased Flow Noise
- Anti-Aliased Noise
- Anti-Aliased Ramp Parameter
- Absolute
- Add
- Add Attribute
- Add Constant
- Add Point To Group
- Add Point
- Add Primitive
- Add Vertex
- Add Wind Force
- Albedo
- Align
- Alpha Mix
- Ambient
- And
- Arctangent
- Attenuated Falloff
- Average
- Average Vector Component
- Banana Skin
- Bounding Box
- Bias
- Bind
- Blend Regions
- Box Clip
- Boxes
- Tiled Boxes
- Bricker
- Bricks
- Bump Map
- Bump Noise
- Burlap
- Burlap Pattern
- Cardboard
- Cavities
- Ceiling
- Cellular Cracks
- Cellular Noise
- Checkered
- Chrome Environment
- Clamp
- Class Cast
- Cloud Environment
- Clouds
- Collect
- Color Correction
- Color Map
- Color Mix
- Compare
- Complement
- Composite
- Compute Normal
- Compute Tangents
- Concrete
- Conserve Energy
- Constant
- COP Input
- Copy
- Cosine
- Crackle
- Cross Product
- Color Transform
- Curl Noise
- Curl Noise 2D
- CVEX Shader
- CVEX Shader
- Dampened Noise
- Decal
- Degrees To Radians
- Delayed Read Archive
- Density To Opacity
- Depth Map
- Determinant
- Import Displacement Variable
- Direct Lighting
- Displace Along Normal
- Distance
- Divide Constant
- Divide
- Dot Product
- Edge Falloff
- Eggshell Pattern
- Eggshell
- Eigenvalues
- Environment Map
- Euler To Quaternion
- Exponential
- Extract Transform
- Fast Shadow
- Field Name
- Field Parameter
- Filament Sample
- Delayed Load Procedural
- Filter Shadow
- Filter Step
- Filter Width
- Find Attribute Value
- Find Attribute Value Count
- Find Attribute Value by Index
- Fire
- Fit Range
- Float To Matrix
- Float To Vector4
- Float To Integer
- Float To Matrix3
- Float To Vector
- Floor
- Flow Noise
- Foamy
- For Loop
- Point Loop
- Fraction
- Fresnel
- From NDC
- From Polar
- Front Face
- Fur Procedural
- Fur Guide Global Variables
- Fur Guide Output Variables and Parameters
- Furrows
- Fur Skin Global Variables
- Fur Skin Output Variables and Parameters
- Fuzzy
- Geometry VOP Global Parameters
- Geometry VOP Output Variables
- Get Attribute
- Get Blur P
- Get Object Transform
- Get Primitive ID
- Gingham Checks
- Glass
- Global Variables
- Glow
- Gradient 3D
- Gaussian Random
- Gaussian Random UV
- Hair
- Hair Diffuse
- Hair Normal
- Hair Specular
- Halo
- Has Input
- Tiled Hexagons
- High-Low Noise
- Get Matrix Component
- Set Matrix Component
- Matrix To Float
- Instance with Hscript Procedural
- Hue Shift
- Get Vector4 Component
- Set Vector4 Component
- Vector4 To Float
- Vector4 To Vector
- If-Then Block
- If Connected
- Illuminance Loop
- Image 3D Iso-Texture Procedural
- Image 3D Volume Procedural
- Import Attribute
- Indirect Lighting
- Point In Group
- Inline Code
- Integrate 3D
- Integrate 3D Clip
- Intersect
- Intersect 3D
- Integer To Float
- Integer To Vector
- Invert
- Irradiance
- Is Connected
- Is Finite
- Is Fog Ray
- Is Front Face
- Is NAN
- Is Shadow Ray
- Jittered Hair Normal
- Length
- Lambert
- Lighting Model
- Import Light Variable
- Logarithm
- Look At
- Luminance
- Matrix3 to Matrix4
- Matrix4 to Matrix3
- Multiply Add Constant
- Make Instance Transform
- Make Transform
- Matte
- Get Matrix3 Component
- Set Matrix3 Component
- Matrix3 To Float
- Matrix3 To Quaternion
- Maximum
- Max Vector Component
- Metaball Attribute
- Metaball Density
- Meta-Loop Import
- Meta-Loop Next
- Metaball Space
- Meta-Loop Start
- Metaball Weight
- Method
- Method Call
- Method Input
- Minimum
- Min Vector Component
- Minimum Position
- Mix
- Modulo
- Mold
- Mosaic
- Multiply Constant
- Multiply
- Near Point
- Negate
- Neighbour
- Neighbour Count
- Neighbour Count from File
- Neighbour from File
- Create Point Group
- Normal Falloff
- Normalize
- Not
- Point Count
- Non-Deterministic Random
- Null
- Unique Value Count of Attribute
- Occlusion
- Or
- Oren-Nayar
- Orient
- Oscillations
- Output Variables and Parameters
- Parameter
- Physically Based Diffuse
- Physically Based Hair (Primary Reflection)
- Physically Based Hair (Secondary Reflection)
- Physically Based Hair (Transmission)
- Physically Based Phase Function
- Physically Based Specular
- Point Cloud Close
- Point Cloud Export
- Point Cloud Farthest
- Point Cloud Filter
- Point Cloud Import
- Point Cloud Import by Index
- Point Cloud Iterate
- Point Cloud Num Found
- Point Cloud Open
- Point Cloud Unshaded
- Point Cloud Write
- Periodic Noise
- Photon Output Variables
- Pixel Area
- Pixel Derivative
- Plane Clip
- Plane Count
- Plane Exists
- Plane Index
- Plane Name
- Plane Size
- Power
- Primitive Attribute
- Primitive Intrinsic
- Primitive Normal
- Primitive Attribute
- Run External Program Procedural
- Properties
- Point Instance Procedural
- Distance Point To Line
- Point Replicate
- Filter Pulse Train
- Pyro Blackbody
- Pyro Color Correct
- Pyro Color Model
- Pyro Color Volume
- Pyro Density Volume
- Pyro Noise
- Quaternion Distance
- Quaternion Invert
- Quaternion Multiply
- Rotate by Quaternion
- Quaternion
- Quaternion To Matrix3
- Quaternion To Angle/Axis
- Radians To Degrees
- Rainbow
- Ramp Filter
- Ramps
- Random
- Random Sobol
- Ray Bounce Level
- Ray Hit
- Ray Trace
- Ray Bounce Weight
- Reflect
- Reflective
- Reflected Light
- Refract
- Refracted Light
- Relative to Bounding Box
- Remove Point
- Remove Primitive
- Render State
- Resolution
- Rest Position
- Rounded Hexes
- Rings
- Round To Integer
- Ripples
- Rotate
- Rounded Stars
- Rust Perforation
- Scale
- Scales
- Sensor Panorama Color
- Sensor Panorama Cone
- Sensor Panorama Create
- Sensor Panorama Depth
- Sensor Panorama Save
- Sensor Save
- Set Attribute
- Set Primitive Vertex
- Shading Area
- Shading Normal
- Shadow
- Shadow Map
- Shadow Matte
- Specular Sheen
- Shiny Metal
- Sign
- Import Surface Variable
- Sine
- SSS Single
- Skin
- Spherical Linear Interp
- Smoke
- Smooth
- Snippet
- Soft Dots
- Specular
- Splatter
- Spline
- Sprites Procedural
- Square Root
- Stone
- Stone Wall
- Stripes
- Struct
- Struct Pack
- Struct Unpack
- Stucco
- Subtract Constant
- Subnet Input
- Sub Network
- Return
- Subtract
- Surface Color
- Switch
- Switch Lighting BSDF
- Swizzle Vector4
- Swizzle Vector
- Tangent
- Tangent Normals
- Tetrahedron Adjacent
- Tetrahedron Adjacent
- Texture
- Texture 3D
- Texture 3D Box
- Texture Map
- Thin Film
- Thin Film Fresnel
- Timing
- To NDC
- To Polar
- Trace
- Transform
- Translate
- Transpose
- Trigonometric Functions
- Turbulent Noise
- Two Sided
- Two Tone
- Two Way Switch
- Unified Noise
- Unique Values of Attribute
- UV Coords
- UV Noise
- UV Position
- UV Project
- UV Space Change
- UV Transform
- Vector Cast
- Get Vector Component
- Set Vector Component
- Vector To Float
- Vector To Vector4
- Vector To Quaternion
- Vex Volume Procedural
- Volume Gradient
- Volume Gradient from File
- Volume Index
- Volume Index from File
- Volume Index To Pos
- Volume Index To Pos from File
- Volume Index Vector from File
- Volume Model
- Volume Pos To Index
- Volume Pos To Index from File
- Volume Resolution
- Volume Resolution from File
- Volume Sample
- Volume Sample from File
- Volume Sample Vector from File
- Volume VOP Global Parameters
- Volume VOP Output Variables
- VOP Force Global
- VOP Force Output Variables
- Voronoi Noise
- Water Surface
- Waves
- Wave Vector
- While Loop
- Wire Pattern
- Wireframe
- Wood
- Wood Plank
- Worley Noise
- Woven
- Transform Matrix
- Xor
- XYZ Distance