Houdini 中文帮助文档

If-Then Block


此节点包含着其它VOP节点。只有当传输到第一输入端的数值匹配Condition 参数所指定的标准时,该节点内所包含的代码才会被执行。至少有一个输入端必须要被连接到此节点


在 If-Then Block 内部任何你想要修改的值都必须以输入端形式被提供。 If-Then Block 的输出会包含修改后的输入值(如果条件满足的话),或者未修改的输入值(条件不满足)。连接到 If-Then Block 节点的输入端的实际值是永远不会被修改的,因此可以被连接到此节点网络的其它节点上,但是记住,这些节点中的数值永远不会被If-Then Block 节点所修改。

There is no place in this operator to specify what should happen if the condition is not met (i.e. an Else block). To achieve the same effect as an if-then-else statement, use two If operators. Connect the same output value to both Condition Value inputs of the two If-Then Block operators. Then set the Condition parameters of the two If-Then Block operators to be different. At this point one If-Then Block operator represents the “if” block, and the other represents the “else” block. Then connect your inputs to the “if” block operator. Then connect all but the Condition Value output from the “if” block into the inputs of the “else” block. Now the outputs of the “else” block are going to be what you would expect from an if-then-else statement. For simple if-then-else constructs, use the Two Way Switch operator instead. —-此节点中没有指定




Condition Value整型输入端必须被连接。连接到此输入端的值会和Condition参数的需求相比较。通常此输入端会被 Compare 或其他逻辑简单的输出端所连接。
Next Input最高支持64个输入端。


输出的值列表取决于连接到此节点中包含的Subnet Output节点上的输入值。数据类型和每个输出端的名称会匹配Subnet Output节点的相应输入端。
