Houdini 中文帮助文档


如何设置一个关键帧 看动画基础部分
如何查看或改变什么参数被设置了Key 查看Scoping部分
如何改变动画曲线 1. 将已动画的通道列入表单
2.  打开通道编辑器
3. 在两个关键帧之间选择一段,使用右侧的曲线函数工具条,或者顶部菜单中的工具条来改变这段曲线的形态。
如何缩放关键帧 在曲线图表中设置
On the timeline. 在时间线上设置
如何设置自动关键帧 查看Atuo-Key首选项参数
怎样在关键帧处编辑参数而不是自动自动改变关键帧值 关闭Auto-Comkmit。
如何设置通道组,方便我们设置动画 See channel groups. 查看通道组部分
如何设置动画的帧率 1. 在全局动画窗口中点击该图标
2. Edit the FPS option. 编辑FPS选项
3. Note that changing the frames per second will change the number of frames to maintain the same time duration.
How do I make my animation more than 240 frames long?
1. Click 【】to open the Global Animation Options window.
2. Edit the End option, then click Apply.
How do I move the pivot point of an object?
1. Select the object and press Ins.
选择物体,按Insert间Use the handle to move the pivot point. 使用手柄移动轴心点
2. Press Ins again. 再按Insert退出轴心编辑模式(与Maya一样)
How do I move the handle away from the center of an object?
Select the object and press ‘ (apostrophe). 选择物体,按’
  Move the handle. 移动手柄
  Press ‘ again. 再按’
This does not move the object’s pivot point permanently – it changes the position of the handle, which scales and rotates are relative to. So it has the same effect as moving the pivot point, but is more transitory, for when you want to scale or rotate relative to a certain point, but don’t want to mess with the actual pivot.

