This specifies the behavior used for closed polygon primitives when told to shift points along primitives in the U Deform parameter. If on, then the tangents shoot off at first and last vertices of the closed polygon primitive. If off, then the tangent of the last vertex will shoot off from right before it wraps to the first vertex. The value of this parameter should be the same as the one specified in the WireCapture SOP used.
此指定要将 Subgroup, Falloff Start, U Radius and Lookup, 和 U Range这些参数运用到其上的Primitive组。
U Deform
This specifies a parametric u range to deform the points along their capturing primitives. The first component specifies the new start u value and the second component gives the new end u value. The start value must be less than or equal to the end value. These values are relative to the U Range values of their corresponding primitive specified in the WireCapture SOP. For example, if the point was captured to a primitive using the u range of [0.3,0.7], then the U Deform parameters will map a value of 0 to 0.3 and a value of 1 to 0.7.