Houdini 中文帮助文档

Gas Resize Fluid



Fluid Type The type of fluid controls what sort of fields need to be resized.
Extra Fields Any additional fields, such as those you have added with a Scalar Field DOP, can be listed here to ensure they are also resized.
Reference Object An object node. The geometry of the object will be imported in and a bounding box calculated and used as the fluid bounds.
Dynamic Object A dop object in the same simulation as this object. Its geometry will be used to compute a bounding box. Note used if Reference Object is specified.
My Data Geometry data attached to this object can be used as the source for the bounding box size. Note used if Dynamic Object or Reference Object specified.
Size, Center An explicit bounding box to resize to. This can be animated to have a changing bounding box over time. Not used if any of the other methods are specified.
Lower/Upper Bound The bounding box is expanded by this amount. The amount is positive for expansion, so a 1 in lower bound will increase the size of the bounding box in the negative direction by one.
Voxels The number of voxels to grow the bounding box by. This is dependent on the resolution of the underlying fields.


First Input 此可选输入可用于控制哪个模拟物体会被该节点修改。任何通过该输入端连接的物体,以及匹配组参数的物体都会被修改。

如果该输入端没有连接,此节点可以配合一个Apply Data(运用数据)节点使用,或者可以作为其它数据节点的输入。

All Other Inputs 如果该节点有多高输入连接对象,其它数据可以作为修改由该节点创建的数据的修改器。



First Output 此操作节点的输出取决于连接到该节点的输入对象。如果一个物体流输入到该节点,输出也会是一个包含同样物体的物体流(但是会在物体上附加该节点的数据)。

如果没有物体流连接到该节点,此输出就会是一个数据数据。此数据输出可以被连接到一个Apply Data DOP节点上,或者之间连接到其它数据节点的输入上,将该节点的数据附加到另外一个物体或数据块上。
