Houdini 中文帮助文档


Adds grain to an image.–给图像添加颗粒、噪点。

Overloading VEX Parameters

This operator is implemented in VEX, which supports parameter overloading. If the first input has a plane which matches an operation parameter’s channel name, the input plane will be used as the parameter’s value, effectively overriding it. The overloaded parameter is then evaluated from the plane on a per-pixel basis. –此操作节点是使用VEX实现的,此支持参数的过载。如果第一个输入端有一个颜色面,此颜色面匹配操作节点的通道名,那么输入的颜色面会被作为参数值使用(有效的覆盖它)。过载参数会从平面的每像素偏移中计算出来。

  1. If the input COP has the following planes: 例如,如果输入的COP节点有以下颜色面:




and it is fed into a VEX Fog COP, the fog density will be determined at each pixel by the fogdens plane, since the Fog Density parameter’s channel name matches the ‘fogdens’ channel name. –并且它是输入到一个VEX Fog COP节点中,雾的密度会由 fogdens 颜色面的每个像素决定,因为雾密度参数的通道匹配 fogdens 通道名。


This operation may be restricted to certain planes, or components of planes. In addition, the operation may be applied to a subset of frames within the sequence. An image must have both its frame and plane scoped to be modified. –此操作可以限制到特定的面或面元素上。此外,此操作节点也可以被运用到序列帧中的子帧上。一个图像必须有被列入表单的帧和面被修改。

Images that are not modified are passed through, which does not take any memory or processing time. 没有被修改的图像会透过操作,此不会花费任何内存和时间。


This operation may be masked, which restricts the operation to an area of the image. The mask may be inverted, brightened or dimmed. —此操作可以使用遮罩来处理,遮罩可以限制要作用的图像区域。遮罩可以被反转,提亮,或变暗。

The mask input is on the side of the node. The label on the connector indicates the plane being used as a mask. –遮罩的输入端是在该节点的侧边。在连接线上的标签会显示将哪个通道作为遮罩。

The mask input can also be scaled to fit the output image’s resolution, if they differ. If this node is changing constantly, and the mask is not, it is somewhat faster to put a Scale COP down to do the resize for the mask image. Otherwise, the scale will occur every time this node cooks. —遮罩的输入端必须被缩放匹配输出的图像分辨率(如果它们不同的话)。如果此节点是连续变化的,而遮罩不是的,那么使用一个Scale Cop节点来重设遮罩图像大小可能会更快速。否则,每次计算该节点时,都会有缩放。




Grain AmplitudeThe intensity of the grain added. –设置所添加的颗粒强度。
Grain sizeThe size of the grain particles. 颗粒粒子的大小。
Grain GammaApplies a gamma to the varying intensity of the grain. –给每个颗粒强度应用Gamma。
Grain Bias设置颗粒位置的偏移。
Grain Color颗粒的颜色。
Noise Seed设置颗粒噪波的随机效果。
Luminance RelativeIf on, the intensity of the grain will be proportional to the luminance of the pixel the grain is being applied to. –如果开启,颗粒的亮度会和颗粒所运用到的像素处的亮度成正比。
Grain Varies Over Time如果开启,颗粒会随着时间不断变化。
Grain Varies Per Color ComponentIf on, the grain noise will be different on each component. Otherwise, each component will have the same grain noise value, multiplied by the grain color. –如果开启,在每个元素上颗粒噪波都会不一样。否则,每个元素通道都会有同样的颗粒噪波值,且会和颗粒颜色相乘。


A mask can be chosen to limit the effect of the operator to areas defined by the mask. The mask can be taken from the mask input (side input) or from the first input itself.— 遮罩可以用来限制操作节的效果到一个区域中,区域由遮罩定义。遮罩可以从遮罩输入端或节点本身的第一输入端获取。

Effect Amount


If no mask is present, this blends the output with the input by a constant amount (0 = all input, 1 = all output). 如果没有出现遮罩效果,此数值用一个恒定值来混合输入和输出。(0 =所有输入,1 =所有输出)。

If a mask is present, this amount multiplies the mask. 如果出现遮罩,此数值会和遮罩相乘。

Operation Mask


Selects the mask plane to use as a mask from the mask input. The mask can be selected from: 从遮罩输入端选择遮罩平面作为遮罩处理。此遮罩可以是通道的部分或整个通道。如果将向量面作为遮罩,向量的元素可以和图像的通道相乘。

Scalar Mask (‘A’, ‘C.r’) 标量遮罩

C.r = I.r * M

C.g = I.g * M

C.b = I.b * M



Vector Mask (‘C’)向量遮罩

C.r = I.r * M.r

C.g = I.g * M.g

C.b = I.b * M.b



First Input


Mask InputSelects the mask from the side mask input. 从侧边的遮罩输入端选择遮罩。
Resize Mask to Fit ImageIf the mask image is a different resolution than the output image, turning on this parameter will scale the mask to the output image’s resolution. 如果遮罩图像和输出图像分辨率不一样,开启此参数会缩放遮罩大小为输出图像的分辨率。

If this node is changing constantly, and the mask is not, it is somewhat faster to put a Scale COP down to do the resize for the mask image. Otherwise, the scale will occur every time this node cooks. 如果节点是连续变化的,而遮罩是不是的,可以在这里放置一个Scale COP节点来重设遮罩图像的大小。否则在每次计算节点时,不会进进行的缩放处理。

Invert Mask此操作就是反转遮罩。


Plane ScopeSpecifies the scope for both the RGB components of Color, Alpha, and other planes. The (C)RGBA mask only affects Color components and Alpha. ‘C’ will toggle all the RGB components. 指定RGB的元素,Alpha,以及其它通道面是否被列入表单。RGBA遮罩只会影响颜色元素和Alpha。 “C”会切换到所有的颜色元素。

For planes other than Color and Alpha, the plane name (plus component, if applicable) should be specified in the string field. The pulldown menu can be used to select planes or components present in this node. 对于非颜色和Alpha的面,面的名称必须在字符串区域指定。下拉菜单可以用来选择在此节点上出现的通道或颜色元素。

A plane is specified by its name. A component is specified by both its plane and component name. The ‘*’ wildcard may be used to scope all extra planes. Any number of planes or components can be specified, separated by spaces. 通道是通过其名称指定的。一个元素可以通过其通道名或元素名来指定。通配符“*”可以被用于所有额外的面上。可以指定任意数量的面或元素(用空格号分隔开)。



N.x N.y

P N Pz


Frame Scope

Frame ScopeAllows scoping of specific frames in the frame range. This –允许将帧范围内的特定帧列入到表单中。

All FramesAll frames are scoped. 所有帧都会被列入列入表单。
Inside RangeAll frames inside a subrange are scoped. 所有在子范围内的帧都会被列入列入表单。
Outside RangeAll frames outside a subrange are scoped. 所有在子范围外的帧都会被列入列入表单。
Even FramesEven numbered frames are scoped. 偶数标号的帧会被列入表单。
Odd FramesOdd numbered frames are scoped. 奇数数标号的帧会被列入表单。
Specific FramesA user-defined list of frames are scoped. 用于自定义的帧列表会被列入表单。
Frame Range此参数是定义(subrange )子范围帧。这也可以在时间线视图中编辑。
Frame Dropoffthis parameter specifies certain number of frames before and after to slowly ramp up to scoped.此参数是指定在到慢慢达列入表单的帧前后处的帧数量。(产生淡入,淡出的效果。此也可以在时间线视图中编辑。)
Non-scoped EffectFor unscoped frames, this sets the blend factor between the input and modified images. Normally this is zero (use the input image). By setting this to a non-zero value, you can make unscoped frames be ‘slightly’ scoped. The value can vary between 0 (unscoped) and 1 (scoped).—- 对于为列入表单的帧,此会设置输入的且被修改的图像间的混合因素。通常此为0.通过设置其为非0值,你可以使未被列入表单的帧有轻微的scoped效果。此参数数值范围是0 (unscoped) 到1 (scoped).
Frame ListThe frame list for ‘Specific Frames’. Frame numbers should be separated by spaces. 此是所指定的帧列表。帧标号必须用空格分隔开。
Automatically Adjust for Length ChangesIf the sequence range changes, enabling this parameter will adjust the subrange and frame dropoff lengths to fit the new range. 如果序列帧范围是变化的,启用该参数会调节子范围和帧的衰减长度来匹配新的范围。

