Render an image using the hardware-accelerated 3D viewport renderer.
The OpenGL output operator renders the scene using the graphics hardware present on the system. It uses the 3D viewport renderer, but without rendering any handles, guides or other decorations. A limited set of display options is provided as parameters. This operator can be used in non-graphical applications, such as hbatch or hython.
OpenGL 3.0 or GL_EXT_framebuffer_object is required to use this operator. A graphics device must be present on the system.
Render | 使用上一次的渲染控制设置来开始渲染。 | ||||||
Render Control | 打开渲染控制对话框,允许你在渲染前调节渲染参数。 | ||||||
Valid Frame Range | 控制渲染的帧范围,有“Render any frame”,“Start/End/Inc ”,Render Frame Range方式。
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Start/End/Inc | 指定要渲染的帧范围(起始帧,结束帧,递增值)。所有的数值都可以是浮点值。 这些参数定义用于输出驱动节点的局部变量值。 | ||||||
Render With Take | 输出驱动节点在渲染前会切换到该take,并且当渲染完成时,还原当前的take。选择“current”选项会在渲染时使用当前的take。 |
Camera | 定义场景的相机物体。 |
Scene Path | 用于场景的根路径。在该物体网络中的所有物体和灯光都会被渲染。 |
SOP Source | 要渲染物体中的那些几何体,可以是开启显示标志,或渲染标志的SOP。 |
Candidate Objects | 指定场景中的哪些物体会被渲染(如果设置了其显示标志,它就会被渲染)。路径可以是绝对的,或相对于场景的路径。可以使用通配符(*, ?)。 |
Force Objects | 指定匹配该参数的名称或样式的物体应当总是在场景中出现,即使它们的显示标志是关闭的。 |
Exclude Objects | 如果它们匹配该参数给定的名称或样式,就不会再场景中包含这些物体。此会覆盖“备选”和“强制物体”参数。 |
Candidate Lights | 指定哪些灯光会用于照亮场景。 |
Force Lights | 匹配该参数的名称或样式的灯光总是会在场景中出现,即使它们是被禁用的。 |
Exclude Lights | 如果它们匹配该参数给定的名称或样式,就不会再场景中包含这些灯光。此会覆盖“备选”和“强制灯光”参数。 |
Initialize Simulation OPs | 强制所有模拟的OPs为重置的数值。此包含DOP网络,POP SOPs,以及其它的缓存其结果的OPs。 |
Show in Viewport Menu | 当启用时,此ROP会在视窗的渲染菜单中出现。 |
Override Camera Resolution | 使用该参数会覆盖相机的分辨率。 |
Resolution | 该分辨率会覆盖相机的分辨率。 |
Pixel Aspect Ratio | 设置图像的像素比。 |
Output Image | 设置在何处渲染图像,如在Mplayer中渲染(设为ip方式),或者将图像保存一个图像(可支持的格式有:.pic, .tif, .sgi, .pic.gz, .rat, .jpg, .cin, .rta, .bmp, .tga, .rad, .exr, and .png)。在文件名中包含$F变量,可以渲染动画图像。 |
Image Format | 设置所渲染的图像格式(即图像的扩展名)。 |
Create Intermediate Directories 创建媒介目录 | 给输出文件创建一个父目录。当前此只会运用到生成的脚本,图像,阴影贴图上。 |
Gamma | 给输出图像运用Gamma校正。 |
LUT | 在运用Gamma后,给输出图像运用LUT。 |
Display Options
The capabilities of the graphics hardware and driver may cause some of these options to be disabled.
Antialias | Enables high-quality rendering by smoothing jagged edges of lines and polygons. Increasing this setting will proportionately increase the amount of framebuffer memory used. 4x and 8x modes should only be used if the graphics memory installed on the graphics card is 1GiB or higher. | ||||||||||
High Dynamic Range Rendering | Enables High Dynamic Range (HDR) rendering which produces higher quality results for volumes and transparency. It can also be used in conjunction with a LUT to view superwhite values. If enabled, 16b floating point HDR images are rendered. Enabling this option doubles the framebuffer size. | ||||||||||
Stereo Mode | When the Camera is a stereo camera, this determines the type of output image(s).
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Shading Mode | Select a shading mode for all geometry in the scene. | ||||||||||
GL Renderer | Allows selection of the GL renderer, but only in hython or hbatch. In Houdini, the GL renderer follows the setting in the 3D Viewport tab of the Houdini Preferences. | ||||||||||
Display Textures | Materials will include textures if enabled. | ||||||||||
High Quality Light Shading | Area and environment lights are rendered with more accurate representations. Spotlight falloff and ramp-based attenuation are also incorporated into the shading. This mode attempts to closely match the results seen in mantra at the expense of performance. Note This may disable Antialiasing if the graphics hardware does not support certain OpenGL features. This shading does not apply to transparent objects if Transparency is enabled. Normal shading is used instead. Additionally, this feature requiresMaterial Shaders. | ||||||||||
Light Sampling | The number of samples to use when rendering area and environment lights inHigh Quality Light Shading mode. It is ignored when this mode is not active. Higher numbers produce more accurate results, at a slight performance hit. | ||||||||||
Shadows | Enables light shadowing from those lights which have their Shadow Typeparameter set to a shadowing method. This option decreases performance and increases graphics memory use but greatly improves the quality of the viewport display. Tip The light’s shadow map(s) are re-calculated when its position, orientation or projection changes. You may want to disable shadows while editing a light to improve interactivity. Increasing the shadow quality will improve the shadow’s visualization, especially for area and environment lights, with a corresponding performance decrease.
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Shadow Map Size | Controls the resolution of the shadow maps. Increasing the shadow map size will reduce the jaggedness of shadow edges and improve fine shadow detail. Larger maps may affect performance and will use more graphics memory. | ||||||||||
Ambient Occlusion | Enable screen-space ambient occlusion, which shadows objects based on the amount of ambient light that could reach a surface. Areas in corners and sunken areas will receive shadowing. The numeric value increases the quality and range of effect of the occlusion. Enabling this option will slow performance somewhat.High Quality Light Shading andMaterial Shaders are required for occlusion to work. Note The HIP file’s Unit Length parameter affects how far away the shadowing effect extended. | ||||||||||
Transparency | Draw objects with per-pixel alpha, texture maps with alpha or material transparency using alpha blending (via an over operation). When off, pixels with non-zero alpha are drawn and zero alpha pixels are discarded. The quality of the transparency can also be selected, with the higher quality options impacting performance.
Note Medium and High transparency modes require Material Shaders. |
Volume Quality |
Tip Enabling HDR Rendering will remove any banding artifacts from volumes. | ||||||||||||
Geometry LOD (Level of Detail) | Increases or decreases the display resolution of Metaballs, NURBS, and Bezier surfaces. | ||||||||||||
Wire Width | The width, in pixels, of wireframe and wire-over-shaded lines. | ||||||||||||
Wire Blend | The amount that wire-over-shaded lines are blended with the underlying shaded surface. Values near zero make these lines very faint, while a value of one draws the line without any blending (opaque). This does not affect pure wireframe, hidden line, or invisible line modes. | ||||||||||||
Particle | The particle representation to use: