Houdini HQueue集群渲染文档



How to set configuration options for the HQueue server and clients.

On this page
Server configurationClient configuration

Server configuration

The HQueue server uses a configuration file in /opt/hqueue/hqserver.ini on the server machine. You can edit this file and restart the HQueue server to change how HQueue works.


To restart the server on Linux, run:


To restart the server On macOS, run:


To restart the server on Windows, go to Control Panel ▸ Administrative Tools ▸ Services and restart the HQueueServer service.



If you use the string %(here)s in a value, it will be replaced with the path of the directory containing the hqserver.ini file. You can use this to specify paths relative to the configuration file location.

Name Description
debug Set to true to output debugging information into the server logs (see Logging).
email_to The email address that receives messages when a system error or notification occurs. smtp_server must also be set.
error_email_from The email address that sends messages when a system error or notification occurs. smtp_server must also be set.
hqserver.activeTimeout The number of minutes that pass before a client machine is marked as ‘not responding’.
hqserver.expireJobsDays The number of days that pass before a finished job is permanently deleted from HQueue.
hqserver.port The port number that the HQueue server listens on. This variable must have the same value as port.
hqserver.sharedNetwork.host The machine hosting the shared network drive.
hqserver.sharedNetwork.mount.linux The mount point to the shared network drive on a Linux client machine.
hqserver.sharedNetwork.mount.macosx The mount point to the shared network drive on a macOS client machine.
hqserver.sharedNetwork.mount.windows The mount point to the shared network drive on a Windows client machine.
hqserver.sharedNetwork.path The folder path to the shared network drive on the host machine.
hqserver.upgradePriority The priority setting for the built-in “Upgrade” jobs.
job_logs_dir The folder where job logs are saved to.
port The port number that the HQueue server listens on. This variable must have the same value as hqserver.port.
smtp_server The mail server that delivers messages when a system error or notification occurs.
sqlalchemy.default.pool_size The maximum number of database connections available in the connection pool. If you see “QueuePool limit of size” errors in the server log, then you need to increase the value of this variable. As a general rule of thumb, set pool_size equal to roughly the number of client machines on the farm.
sqlalchemy.default.max_overflow The maximum number of database connections to create in excess of the value defined in sqlalchemy.default.pool_size. This variable takes effect only during peak periods when the number of connections required exceeds the maximum pool size.

Client configuration

The HQueue client uses a configuration file named hqnode.ini in the client installation directory. You can edit this file and restart the client to change how the client works.


To restart the client on Linux, run:


To restart the client On macOS, run:


To restart the client on Windows, go to Control Panel ▸ Administrative Tools ▸ Services and restart the HQueueClient service.


Name Description
sharedNetwork.mount The mount point to the shared network drive on the client.
server The HQueue server the client should connect to. If this is set, the port must also be set to the server’s port.
port The port number that the HQueue server listens on.
name The name for the client. This is only needed if you are planning to run multiple clients on the same machine. If you wish to run multiple clients on the same machine, ensure each client is launched from separate installation directories and configure each client’s hqnode.ini file to have a unique, non-empty name.
cpus The number of cpus available to the client for running jobs.
auto_upgrade Controls whether the client should automatically upgrade on start up if an upgrade is available. Set this to 0 to disable automatic upgrade, set it to 1 to enable automatic upgrade (default).